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The following conversion table will help you find your own size, however through these easy steps, you will be able to get the correct measurement of your feet to get a custom-made sandal!

1- Next to each size, you will find a corresponding PDF file to print. Be careful please, prior printing adjust the paper size settings to 100% normal size.

2- Once the PDF has been printed, place your foot on the image of the outsole to verify that it corresponds to your actual size

3- In case you don´t have a printer, you can use an A4 white paper to place the sole of your foot. With a pen, mark the extremities of your foot length and measure it. In this way, you will be able to find the corresponding size related to your measures.

4- As our sandals are handmade, we strongly suggest providing us with the circumference of your feet too in order to provide you a fully customized sandal.

View .PDFItalian SizeUSA SizeUK SizeLenght
Size 34 .pdf 34 4 2 22.5 cm
Size 35 .pdf 35
4 1/2 2 1/2 23 cm
Size 36 .pdf 36 5 1/2 3 1/2 23.5 cm
Size 37 .pdf 37 6 1/2 4 24.5 cm
Size 38 .pdf 38 7 1/2 5 25 cm
Size 39 .pdf 39 8 6 25.5 cm
Size 40 .pdf 40 8 1/2 - 9 6 1/2 26.5 cm
Size 41 .pdf 41 9 1/2 7 1/2 27 cm
Size 42 .pdf 42 10 1/2 8 1/2 28 cm
Size 43 .pdf 43 11 9 28.5 cm
Size 44 .pdf 44 12 10 29.5 cm


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